
AX License Configuration details

In older versions of AX we could see additional details under System administration > Setup > Licensing > License configuration that has been missing from the more recent versions. Here is an update done in version 2012 R3 to have better AX License Configuration details by showing the configuration key name in the AOT, the application layer and the model:

AX License Configuration details

The heart of the code is as per below to populate the 3 form controls, called in the Tree.selectionChanged() method:

public void WIK_setElement()
    int                     idx             = Tree.getSelection();
    FormTreeItem            node            = Tree.getItem(idx);
    boolean                 isValidLicense  = node && !node.overlayImage();
    ConfigurationKeyName    configKeyName;

    SysModelElement     elementNode;
    SysModelElementData elementData;
    SysModelManifest    model;
    SysModelLayer       layer;

    if (isValidLicense)
        configKeyName = configurationkeyId2Name(Tree.getItem(idx).data());

        select firstOnly Name from model
            join elementNode
                where  elementNode.Name         == configKeyName
                    && elementNode.ElementType  == UtilElementType::ConfigurationKey
            join elementData
                where  elementData.ModelElement == elementNode.RecId
                    && model.Model              == elementData.ModelId
            join Layer from layer
                where layer.RecId   == elementData.Layer;

    WIK_LicenseConfig.text(isValidLicense ? configKeyName : '');
    WIK_LicenseLayer.text(isValidLicense ? enum2Symbol(enumNum(UtilEntryLevel), layer.Layer) : '');
    WIK_LicenseModel.text(isValidLicense ? model.Name : '');

Here is the XPO of the changes:

By |2016-09-19T12:27:23+02:00September 19th, 2016|Categories: AX 2012|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

License compare tool

I was always missing a tool which allows us to see what is going to be changed when we are importing a new license into our system. The SysLicenseCode form and SysLicenseCodeReadFile class handles the license importing in Dynamics AX 2009, for which I needed to have a license compare tool.

After checking how does it work I have created a tool called License Impact Manager, which extends the original AX code to be able to read in a new license file and show any changes:


By |2017-09-12T08:01:16+02:00June 16th, 2010|Categories: AX 2009|Tags: , , , |0 Comments